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Sunday, March 13, 2011

The U.S Marine

The United States Marines,"Who are they?" They were just young boys who had left their home to fight for their country. They wanted to serve for peace, liberty, and justice. But before they could they had to go through a lot of defense training, "Boot Camp." Now Boot Camp it's no "fun and games." You see once you get there. the Drill Sergants can be mean as your Dad, they say.
But why do you want to put your self in places like this? They only want the few, the proud, and pride. Then they go into places that nobody wants to go and they fight for our country, freedom, and courage. So again who are they you ask? They are the "Few , the proud and the pride," the United States Marines. If you see one today thank them for your freedom.

Bryan Harper


Tuck Miller said...

The Few. The Proud. The Marines.

Semper Fi....means always faithful.

Bryan Harper said...

Thank You