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Thursday, March 17, 2011

The tomb

The tomb was empty that Sunday morning. The stone was rolled away. The body that was in there for three days was gone.The only thing that was left was a robe and blood stains that were left behind, and the guards that were supposed to be strong and big were asleep.When they awoke they were frightened and ran!. But the only person that stayed and cried was the Friend, The angel looked down on her and said "why are you weeping my child." She looked up and said;" I do not know where they have taken him"? The Angel looked down and said, "Fear not they have not taken him nowhere." Mary then an rremember the voice" who are you looking for?" And she heard the voice and looked up and said Master? "The voice said why are you looking for the dead"? "He is not here he has risen!"

Bryan Harper

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