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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Let's all go to the river.

Let's all go down to the riverside. I have heard that this man was walking on the water. Is it John or Jesus? Jesus was the one who made the blind to see, made the person to walk again. Now John was kind of like Jesus. But he was the person who Baptize lot of people. and saved lives Just like Jesus did. And he also Baptize Jesus. Jesus was just like John to. So they were about the same. So who would you have liked Jesus or John to Baptize. who would you have like to get Baptize by?


Laurie82 said...

Good story. But why are you up so late?

Tuck Miller said...
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Tuck Miller said...

Curious, all I see in Bryan's message is a bunch of small pictures, that really do not make any sense. Anyone else see the same thing that I do?

Tuck Miller said...

Here's what it was supposed to have read.....

Let's all go down to the riverside. I have heard that this man was walking on the water. Is it John or Jesus? Jesus was the one who made the blind to see, made the person to walk again. Now John was kind of like Jesus. But he was the person who Baptize lot of people. and saved lives Just like Jesus did. And he also Baptize Jesus. Jesus was just like John to. So they were about the same. So who would you have liked Jesus or John to Baptize. who would you have like to get Baptize by?

Tuck Miller said...

Crazy......I copied that whole mess.....and pasted it back in the text box, and it came back as standard text...very strange...