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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Leadership. You can describe this in a lot of several ways. One way is that a Leadership can be a person who is in control of a Nation, or a school Football team. As so many of us looks up to a ball player for Leadership.But the most one person that we need to look up to and have faith with is our Lord Jesus Christ. Then our pastor who looks up to him. Without Leadership then what would our Nation be.Nothing.So that's why we need Leaderships.

Bryan Harper


Anonymous said...

God is our only Leader.

Tuck Miller said...

I feel the above statement is wrong. God is our supreme leader, but we have additional leaders all around us. Whether they be our President, our pastors, our coaches, and so on. Yes, God is the most important leader, but again, we have other leaders all around us.

Tuck Miller said...

Bryan....good fact, thanks for the idea...I think I will write a new blog myself today after bowling on this same topic.....

Going bowling this afternoon........