It was a stormy evening, as the guest started to arrive to that old house on the hill. The guests didn't mind the storm that was coming in off from the ocean, as long they had lights on they were safe from the storm. As the guest came inside from the rain they started to worry about the storm. They all went into the living room and turn on the t.v to get a look at the storm. As they were watching the news about the storm, they all agree that it was going to get worse as the evening went on. Meanwhile the guests gathered up as many light flashes as they could use before the power went out. Then all of a sudden the wind started to pick up and out of no where a clap of thunder sounded. Just hearing the thunder made the guests jump and scream. One of the guest said" well be prepared" the lights will be going out soon. And they did. They grab the flash lights and went down to the basement, to ride out the storm. When the storm finally blew over the guests went back up stairs to enjoy the evening.One of the guests said, "wow and I thought this was going to be a dull party".
Part Two.
While the guests had went back upstairs after the storm was over,one of the guests said," I thought this was going to be a dull party". Just after saying that one of the guests had disappeared." What happened to the guest", the host said?" Don't know said one of the other guest. I thought that all of us was with each other when we went down to the basement when the storm begun"." I think we all better to start to search the house to see what happened," said the host. So again they gathered up all the flash lights and started to look for that missing guest. Then out of the blue came a loud clap of thunder. "Oh know," said one of the guest, "not again." As before they had to go down stairs to ride out the storm. So when the storm past again they went up stairs again to continue on with the search of the missing guests. As usual the host was wondering was there a conspiracy starting?ut how? While the others had went upstairs that one person started to try to find out on how that door worked. As he tried to push harder and harder to get inside again a clap of thunder sounded and the lights went out. Why oh why was this happening to them? There had to be a reason for the thunder and the lights going off and the missing guest but what. They would have to find out fast before someone or something would get them.end of the knew part,
Quite the thriller story u got goin there bryan I'll await part 6 ect...soon (Lynn).
I think you are bringing the entire story down to9 add to it. I think you can simply edit it, add the new part, then save it again......just saying...
Bryan, I love the descriptions you give in this story. The plot makes me want to hear more! I enjoy all the different types of writing you are sharing in your blog. :0) Keep on creating!!! :0) -- Debbie
Hey...it has been over a week. when are you going to write another blog? You don't want to get rusty!
Thanks every one I still trying to come up with a new one and try to Finnish this one. my mind went blank.
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