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Thursday, February 24, 2011

He saw me as I am

He saw me as I was down and hurting, He saw me when I wasn't me, He saw me when I was a new person. He has seen about everything we have done, But have we seen Him lately? Did we pay any attention to Him when He
was on the cross and dying? Sometimes we just go to him when nothing is going our way or when we are just down. But Jesus has been there for us and even helps us get out of our chains. So think about this He has seen us for who we are, and we need to see him more often then we do.
Bryan Harper


Laurie82 said...


Anonymous said...

Bryan, I always enjoy your stories and writings, but I want to thank you paticularly for this one today. I hope you are well and are finding all the blessings God has for you each day. - Debbie

Bryan Harper said...

Thank you, I love to do this when I can't sleep sometimes it just comes to me I guess it's God way of Talking to me.