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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Going home to be with our lord and saviour

What a day that will be when our saviour and King.will be riding down thorough the sky on a
white horse, blowing trumpets and the dead will rise up first and meet him in the sky.Then who ever is left on the earth and has not yet taken the mark will rise up also and meet him in the air. This is where every thing begins the battle earth quakes, and then the final blow and defeat.
God will over come again and rule once and for all and Satan will be gone forever.t

BBBBBBBBBBbBBBBB BBBJBBbbbbbbbbbbbbhhhhh BryaBtbehat may be, As we live this old word behind, I bet there WI be.fitting on earth you can see all of saints on earth that have not let and token the Mark. fighting . Will Joni into the finialBbbb

battle and the ones that will not take Thia mark will behead. But our lord ,But until all this will happen folks lets try to get along with everyone until then.


Laurie82 said...


Grammysammy said...

Our Pastor Mark Keyser at Ridgeview Baptist is explaining the book of Revelation every Sunday at Ridgeview Baptist. You might like to listen to him. Services at 8:40 AM and also at 11:00AM.
He is telling me things I did not realize and I have been listening to messages since I was just a little kid and thought I "knew" what it said.